If your stock has minimal liquidity or is traded infrequently, you’re in the right place.
You will require assistance in acquiring liquid assets.
To advertise your Reg A+ offerings, you should first secure an initial investor. To sum up, to fund the launch of your Reg A+ offerings and pay the service providers in cash without causing any regulatory issues!
We wanted to get in touch with you either since you are the director of a public listed company or a principal director officer that has successfully completed a Registration Statement, which contains a Reg A+ or S1, and asking for assistance monetizing and financing your effort!
You won’t find important info here, if you are a retail investor or if you aren’t an approved investor or qualified service provider to the issuer. Thank you for visiting, but please move on!
If you are a decision-maker for a publicly-traded company or you’re a qualified service provider, the information above doesn’t apply to you, for more details, you scroll down.
Further, we all realize that firms have three options for raising capital. Net operational earnings, equity capital issuing, and borrowing are all options for obtaining these funds. External investors are widely utilized to supply debt and equity capital, and each offers benefits and drawbacks for the issuer. You as the issuer, if you filed an SEC Registration statement, have decided to pursue raising funds by issuing and distributing equity in your firm. We can assist you here!
We’ll be happy to help!
What happens if a stock’s trading volume is below a certain threshold? What if these five phases are just not suitable for your business’s investment? We will gladly assist you!
A lot of novice officers and directors of publicly-traded companies hold the idea that just filing an SEC Registration Statement will entice investors. As a result, you’ll probably get a call from some interested Reg A or S1 investors to introduce themselves and tell you about “the excellent news” that they’ll invest and take a “tranche down” once your company is liquid and trading.
We are here to assist you!
There is a difference between ‘liquid’ and ‘illiquid’ corporate shares and that is an absence of a well-established ‘open market’ for trading shares for cash. When an investor holds stock in a firm that is traded on a stock exchange, persons who own those shares can cash in at any period based on the current marketplace, because liquidity has been achieved.
We are professionals in this sector!
In a secondary market, liquidity refers to how easily or quickly securities can be bought or sold. Liquid investments can be sold quickly and cheaply when cash is needed.
Stock liquidity refers to how quickly shares of a stock can be bought or sold without having a substantial impact on the stock’s price. Stocks with restricted liquidity could be even tougher to sell, leading to a larger loss if you are unable to sell them when you want.
When we speak about liquidity risk, we mean the possibility that investors would struggle to find a market for their securities, reducing their capacity to purchase and sell whenever they wish.
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